Hello Collaborators

This guide is exclusively for collaborators of Dr. Jodie Rummer. It outlines a straightforward process to embed your Google Scholar profile onto your website, enhancing its academic relevance and showcasing your publications directly to your audience.

These Google Scholar data is updated once a week.

Copy and paste the following embed code into the HTML of your website:

<script src="https://rummerlab.com/embed/scholar.js"></script>
    <div id="scholar-embed" scholar-id="YOUR_SCHOLAR_ID"></div>

Replace "YOUR_SCHOLAR_ID" with your Google Scholar ID found below or in the URL when on your Google Scholar - e.g., https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ynWS968AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

Here are the Google Scholar IDs of Dr. Jodie Rummer's collaborators:

3dv-t-kAAAAJ - Philip Munday
BtTdd18AAAAJ - Jacob L Johansen
uMGpMmYAAAAJ - Bridie JM Allan
8MN1OdEAAAAJ - Göran Erik Nilsson
NOKsFI4AAAAJ - Sue-Ann Watson
oPR2ItwAAAAJ - Colin Simpfendorfer
u5gepo8AAAAJ - John Fleng Steffensen
o-jc0zYAAAAJ - Tiffany Nay
CAlipoMAAAAJ - Steven J. Cooke
4fg3TXQAAAAJ - Connor Gervais
qdtQ5swAAAAJ - Jonathan Stecyk
2HWZ6zEAAAAJ - Rui Rosa
ZneF9GQAAAAJ - Amelia Wenger
I6gqjg8AAAAJ - Craig E Franklin
0vsAZJIAAAAJ - Johann Mourier
RsyJKNQAAAAJ - Wayne Bennett
WLbkTNsAAAAJ - Timothy D. Clark
eTMPHXgAAAAJ - Mark Meekan
4TIgWEsAAAAJ - Tracy D Ainsworth
AqHxsRMAAAAJ - Katharina Fabricius
wvMZlxMAAAAJ - Douglas Chivers
ErD7jHAAAAAJ - Maud Ferrari
Myv0DeYAAAAJ - Michelle Heupel
04hEUKIAAAAJ - Kevin Hultine
IHS97ZUAAAAJ - Naomi M Gardiner
SiXcv4kAAAAJ - Sandra A. Binning
bXpyrNAAAAAJ - Dominique Roche
PboAGsMAAAAJ - Nann Fangue
H73aVRAAAAAJ - Andrew Esbaugh
p9RD2kYAAAAJ - Danielle L Dixson
HiZ4jTIAAAAJ - Alistair Cheal
FLlAjfcAAAAJ - Patricia Schulte
k1KOA9YAAAAJ - Geoffrey P Jones
IOodUNIAAAAJ - Andrew Chin, PhD
_HrIjR4AAAAJ - David J. McKenzie
gXBATE4AAAAJ - Shaun S. Killen
wBajPoUAAAAJ - Matthew Mitchell
AOiKX2cAAAAJ - Dr Ian M. McLeod
g9B1IoQAAAAJ - Brock Bergseth