Join Our Lab

We are always looking for passionate and motivated individuals to join our team. Our lab offers a collaborative and supportive environment for researchers interested in studying physiological and evolutionary adaptations in fishes.

Join Our Team!

Are you interested in joining our lab? Fill this Google Form to apply:


Available Positions

Graduate Students

We are accepting applications for PhD and MSc students interested in fish physiology, evolution, and climate change research. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to develop their own research projects within the lab's broader research themes.

Postdoctoral Fellows

We welcome inquiries from potential postdoctoral fellows. We encourage candidates to contact us with their research interests and to explore funding opportunities through NSERC and other agencies.

Undergraduate Students

We offer research opportunities for undergraduate students through work-study positions, summer research projects, and honors thesis projects. These positions are typically advertised at the beginning of each semester.

How to Apply

To apply for a position in our lab, please complete our online application form. Before starting, please have the following information ready:

  • Your current education level
  • Intended education level when joining the lab
  • Type of work/position you're interested in
  • Preferred start date
  • Expected end date at JCU
  • CV/resume (PDF format, max 10MB)
  • Any specific project ideas or additional information you'd like to share

Our Lab Environment

We are committed to fostering an inclusive, supportive, and collaborative research environment. Our team values diversity and welcomes applications from members of underrepresented groups in science. We provide mentorship and professional development opportunities to help our team members achieve their career goals.


If you have any questions about joining our lab or would like to discuss potential opportunities, please don't hesitate to contact us.