Whole-animal responses to environmental stress
Understanding how marine organisms respond and adapt to environmental stressors is crucial for predicting and mitigating the impacts of climate change.
RESEARCH THEME - Whole-animal responses to environmental stress
Early in my research career, I conducted a rigorous assessment of the physiological responses to decompression stress caused by fishing, injuries resulting from swim bladder overexpansion and gas embolisms. This seminal research has been well cited and is utilized as a model for fisheries management surrounding catch-and-release protocols and conservation organizations worldwide.

Key Publications
- →Rummer J.L. & Bennett W.A. 2005. Physiological effects of swim bladder overexpansion and catastrophic decompression on red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus.doi:10.1577/T04-235.1
Recent Research Focus
More recently, I have standardized techniques for estimating whole animal resting and maximum metabolic rates during exposure to various types of environmental (temperature, hypoxia, and elevated CO2 to simulate ocean acidification) or exercise-induced stress.

Thermal Acclimation Studies
I have also made conclusions as to the temporal scale of thermal acclimation and metabolic performance in coral reef fishes and how this relates to temperature preference, a link crucial to developing management strategies for the conservation of marine biodiversity and the sustainable use of marine fisheries, especially in the advent of climate change.
Larval Fish Research

While much of my whole-animal work has been done on adult fishes, I have integrated several studies on larval fishes into my program. I recently collaborated with Dr. Shaun Killen to understand the tradeoffs between dominant behaviours and aerobic metabolic scope in larval coral reef damselfish.